The Basics Of Cloud Web Hosting: What You Need To Know

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The Basics of Cloud Web Hosting: What You Need To Know

 May 23rd, 2016

The demands of the digital age can be very high -- it seems like everyone needs to be everywhere all the time. Flexibility and adaptability are certainly the most valuable characteristics of businesses at a time when customers and clients expect immediate gratification. Getting your business with the times requires you to have a presence on social media and other web platforms, but the ultimate way to set your company up for digital success is to set cloud computing in motion.

Before you start investigating a traditional website hosting service, check out this quick introduction to the cloud and its hosting and storage options:

What is Cloud Web Hosting?

Cloud web hosting provides hosting for websites on virtual servers. It exists as an alternative to hosting websites on individual servers. The network of servers is typically vast, being pulled from different, spread out data centers. It is a form of digital infrastructure that makes your website and information more secure. After all, you should never put all of your eggs in one basket, or all of your information on one server.

What are the benefits of Cloud Web Hosting?

Since multiple locations are storing your information, there's a smaller chance that an offline server will negatively affect your operations. A network of servers is stronger than just one, and they keep each other accountable in many ways.

Physical Security
In the event of an accident, natural disaster, or server crash, the information you store on your single server will be lost forever. If, however, you store your information and sites through a cloud system, they will be safe from local unfortunate events.

With the ability to access information anywhere, you can hire remote talent, move physical headquarters, and travel with your work very easily. Also, 82% of companies said they saved money by converting to cloud computing, and with that extra money, you can invest in other things to better your business.

In a word where there are about 4.49 billion websites out there, and with web-based security attacks up 23% since 2013, it's important to ensure the safety and high functionality of your web platforms and business sites!

Get in touch with Sectorlink today so that we can assist you with your cloud web hosting decision.  We have plans that can fit any budget.

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