5 Benefits Of WordPress Security

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5 Benefits of WordPress Security

 December 21st, 2022

WordPress websites see about 409 million users each month, which makes them a target for hackers and data breaches.

Keeping your WordPress secure is a big deal. Once your website is compromised, you may lose more than simply time repairing your site and securing it moving forward.

Keep reading to discover the five benefits of WordPress security and make sure your website isn't the next victim of such a breach.

1. No Experience is Needed

One of the best things about building a WordPress business website is that it's very easy to do, and you don't need any website management experience to create one and make it secure.

You won't have to mess with the server settings to make sure that you're getting good performance or that your site is secure.

You'll get access to global servers and a team dedicated to making sure those servers are secure. They'll also set up and configure firewalls to protect your website.

2. Security Updates

WordPress is open-source software, which means that people are maintaining and updating the software to make sure that it's secure. WordPress will automatically install and load the latest updates to ensure your site is secure.

It will also come with all kinds of themes and plug-ins that will also be updated with the latest security patch. These are important for having a stable and secure site.

3. Protects Against DDoS

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are some of the most common website attacks. Thankfully, your WordPress hosting will protect you from these types of attacks.

If you didn't have WordPress, then you would have to spend a lot of money on a web host that would protect you from these types of attacks. However, this protection is available with even the free WordPress plan, so you'll automatically be protected.

4. Strong Passwords

When you need to create an account on WordPress, you'll be asked to create a strong password. This will prevent someone from hacking into your account and destroying your site while having full access to it.

You'll also have strong passwords for your WordPress email addresses, the site's domain name, and FTP accounts.

5. Dedicated Teams

WordPress has a team that is ready to support you if you need any help with your site. They will know about the security of the hosting and can help you if your site is compromised.

They'll help you get it on track and make it more secure, and you won't have to worry about doing it. If the WordPress team can't help, then you can also hire another team that is dedicated solely to your site.

Discover More Benefits of WordPress Security

These are only a few benefits of WordPress security, but you may want to consider additional security measures. Thankfully, you can choose a website hosting service that will ensure that you have the highest measure of security for your site.

Check out our website to discover more about how we can keep your site secure.

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