5 Tips To Become A Better Front End Web Developer And Make More Money

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5 Tips to Become a Better Front End Web Developer and Make More Money

 October 20th, 2020

Becoming a web developer is one path into a middle-class income that doesn't demand a degree. The median salary for a web developer is shy of $74,000 a year. Plus, many companies only care that you bring the right skills to the table, not if you have a computer science degree.

Like any solid career, some tips will improve your outlook as a front end web developer. Keep reading for some tips on becoming better and more profitable in your web development role.

1. Learn the Core Languages

Web development revolves around three main languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

You must learn these core languages. HTML gives structure to each page by defining where key content begins and ends, such as paragraphs and lists.

CSS makes your site look good. CSS sets color, controls image size, alters font, and creates borders. You can even use it for basic animation.

JavaScript does a lot of things, but its main use in web site development is interactive features.

2. Learn Responsive Design

People visit websites on phones, tablets, notebook computers, and desktops. Each of these devices comes with a different amount of screen real estateā€”a good website changes based on the screen size.

That change is what responsive web design is all about. It tells the website what content and how it should display content on a given screen size.

3. Learn Frameworks and Version Control

Frameworks and version control make you more valuable in web developer jobs, whether in-house or as a freelance web developer.

Frameworks provide a range of useful features that make coding faster and easier. Businesses often look for developers who know specific frameworks, such as React or Vue.

Companies that take development seriously will also require that you know a version control system, such as GitHub or AWS CodeCommit.

4. Know Basic Resources to Recommend

Business owners come at all levels of technical know-how. You should keep a mental list of useful resources you can recommend for beginners, such as:

Recommending these resources costs you nothing but makes you feel invaluable, which encourages repeat or referral business.

5. Encourage Referrals

Speaking of referrals, you should encourage them. Word of mouth is a profoundly potent form of marketing.

Assuming you deliver top-shelf service, you can get referrals by asking for them or starting a referral program. You can even put something like, "We love referrals" on your invoices.

Succeeding as a Front End Web Developer

Success as a front end web developer starts with the essentials. Master the core languages first. Then, get a solid grip on responsive design.

Once those are firmly in hand, proceed to the bells and whistles like version control and frameworks. These make you more saleable.

Get comfortable asking for referrals since those will bring you more business.

Looking for a good hosting company that you can add to your resources list. Sectorlink offers several hosting packages for businesses. Contact Sectorlink today for questions.

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