Level-Up: 5 Leading Tips For Every Web Developer

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Level-Up: 5 Leading Tips for Every Web Developer

 November 19th, 2020

There are now more web development opportunities than ever before. More businesses and professionals want a unique and high-performing website -- and the only way to achieve this is by creating a website with code.

Not only that, but all businesses need to have a functional and user-friendly website. Businesses can't even rank on Google if they have a slow-loading and outdated website. Because of this, the number of web developers out there should grow by 27% by 2024.

Are you a website development professional? With this much competition, you should ensure you have the best skills. Here are 5 web development ideas to improve your skills and offer competitive services.

1. Learn Clean Code

Clean code is code that’s easy to read for both the author and another. Using clean code is important to reduce errors and easily change the code. You can also collaborate with different objects more efficiently, execute the flow easier, and clean code has even more benefits.

Clean code is becoming the new standard. Developers need to produce code quickly but with fewer errors and guesswork. If you’re not yet implementing clean code, this strategy will put you at a competitive standard.

2. Understand Git Concepts

Git is a distributed version control system. In other words, you can clone the system and work on the code, even when you’re offline. There are many concepts you need to implement when working with Git, mainly keeping code separate from others (since you’ll be storing the code on your computer).

3. Learn the Javascript Fundamentals

Javascript is responsible for some of the biggest websites, apps, and web functions, such as Google Search and AirBnB.

Javascript is taking over the internet, and it will likely remain that way for a long time. This is why all website developers should learn some essential Javascript fundamentals and coding techniques. For example, understand how Javascript enables interactivity or dynamic elements on a website or app.

4. Build a JAMStack Application

Speaking of Javascript, Javascript is one of the many technologies included in what’s called a JAMStack Application. The “JAM” part is actually an acronym that stands for JavaScript, API, and Markup.

JAMStack is a useful tool for modern website design and development. Using the JAMStack can enhance website performance, increase speed, and provide a better user experience.

5. Try Out VS Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a code editor that you can use to build and edit web and cloud applications. VS Code is becoming more popular because of its user-friendly code formatting capabilities, the myriad of extensions, auto-completion capabilities, and many styling functions.

Improve Your Website Development Skills Today

Are you a website development professional? If so, there are many web development tips to improve your skills and enhance your knowledge of different coding languages and techniques.

Before you can start coding websites, you’ll need a reliable web host you can count on. We offer small business web hosting, cloud web hosting, dedicated servers, cloud servers, and more. Our hosting products include many benefits, such as unmetered website storage and free SSL certificates. You can also easily register a domain name using our system.

Shop our business web hosting options today.

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