Why Choose Entity Browser (EB) For Your Drupal Site?

Blog Article

Why Choose Entity Browser (EB) For Your Drupal Site?

 August 5th, 2019

This article is the sixth in a series of topics regarding Drupal modules.  Throughout this series, Sectorlink will discuss some of the best modules offered for Drupal.

EB is a Drupal media management tool, which is flexible for handling entities (i.e., browsing, creating, and selecting).  EB relies on Drupal core plugins to do its work.  The heart of Entity Browser is the Widget plugin, which is responsible for selecting and creating entities.  The Widget Selector plugin deals with the options for switching between widgets, while the Selection Display plugin works with the ways the chosen objects are displayed.  Finally, the Display plugin determines how the Entity Browser will look.

EB allows the website owner(s) to:

•    drag-and-drop multiple images at once

•    reorder or remove images

•    reuse images for other articles

•    easily search for related content by various criteria

•    create and add quotes without opening a new tab

•    create another piece of content without leaving the original form

•    embed entities into WYSIWYG

If you only need to work with images or files, the File Entity Browser module is a great starting point to get up and running with EB.  This will help provide pleasant content creation experiences and re-usability of core files/images.  It will also allow you to upload multiple images using a “drag & drop” zone, via the dropzonejs library.

The Media Entity Browser module is a good starting point for browsing Media Entities, with some themes to improve the content authoring experience.

The Content Browser module is a tool for selecting nodes on your site.  The Content Browser module provides out-of-the-box a configured browser with some themes and fine-tuning.


EB is a powerful tool that integrates nicely with several modules to aid in website design.  It can be used to build a rich UI for any entity reference field.  You should consider taking a look Entity Browser for your Drupal site today.

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