Why Choosing The Right Colors For Your Website Matters

Blog Article

Why Choosing The Right Colors For Your Website Matters

 November 24th, 2019

It sounds funny designing a website on specific colors, right?  But choosing the right colors during website design is very crucial with your online presence.  Why is this so important?  Let's take a look.

  • The right colors can be used to attract attention.
  • The right colors can express meaning or create desire.
  • The right colors may strike up a great conversation.
  • The right colors could attract potential customers and even further customer loyalty.
  • The right colors on your branding need to stand out to bring powerful emotions and connections to your customer base.
  • The right colors can influence thoughts, actions, and reactions.
  • The right colors can affect eyesight (soothe or irritate), blood pressure, and even appetite.

While it may not seem obvious right away, colors cause an emotional reaction.  It is all about attraction and response to your targeted audience.  According to https://blog.cognifit.com, "Colors can change our perception, alter our senses, make us emotional, etc.  Colors have the power to improve our memory and attention, and even the power to convince us to make a certain decision.  Knowing the meaning of colors is key to a better understanding of our behavior."

Some countless books and websites describe colors and their meanings.  So before you even start your website design, you should consider researching these to learn how psychologists, sociologists, linguists, or even market researchers interpret the meaning of colors.  According to https://daddu.net/the-power-of-colors/, "The color theory, invented by Sir Charles Lemieux, is a complex science involving psychology, physics, color perception, etc.  Color theory tackles perceptual and psychological effects to various color combinations and contrasts."

You would be surprised to learn that designing in the right colors could cause a push-pull effect to potential customers, attracting them to visit your site more often or, quite possibly, irritate them to drive them away.  Once you learn all about the meaning of colors, your next step is determining color harmonies that complement each other to better the cause and effect of attraction.  Remember, color harmonies may be more than two colors together.


Choose your colors wisely.  Research the meaning of colors and what you need them to do for your website.  Then, design your site accordingly.

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