Is Your Company's Cloud Hosting Green?

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Is Your Company's Cloud Hosting Green?

 March 27th, 2019

With the growing concern of climate change, Cloud hosting may be your solution for you or your company to go as Green as possible.  Cloud hosting has several benefits in the battle against climate change.  How is Cloud green?

Sharing Resources

The Cloud is all about sharing resources.  Cloud hosting is helping to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the costs of running it.  Not only will the shift to cloud hosting prevent the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, it will also save billions of dollars for participating companies.  It is more harmful to the environment for organizations to house their own data centers.

Also, there are many small to medium businesses that do not have big IT budgets that enable them to update their servers, networks, and computer hardware regularly.  Moreover, if larger companies join the push to Cloud hosting, greenhouse gas emissions could drop significantly.   This is why moving to a trusted and true hybrid Cloud hosting provider is not only more efficient and cost-effective, but you are also utilizing a single data center that specializes in sharing resources to maintain effective energy use.

Cloud hosting also reduces the amount of servers that are being used.  Even though there are customers that may require a dedicated server due to the amount of resources they require for their application, Cloud hosting can allocate resources where needed without requiring additional machines.  This results in less cooling systems needed, and it amounts to fewer carbon emissions.

True Hybrid Cloud

True hybrid cloud is a single user interface for all services no matter what technology, location, feature, or functions are available.  Customers can interact with multiple platforms with a single secure, controlled, and audited user account.  Adding and removing said services is done through a single interface.  Gone are the old days of legacy hosting, where customers are utilizing multiple user interfaces for different operating system platforms.  With the Cloud interface, you log into a single system to work on your various sites on various platforms.  This is a reduction of servers, and thus, it is green.  How many times have you spent hours just trying to upload your application, unzip, and run an install?  The Cloud is also all about automation.  Application installs are automated, thus cutting your time and wasted energy use.

Cloud Web Hosting

What exactly is Cloud web hosting?  Simply explained, cloud web hosting allows hosting websites on virtual servers.  It exists as a better alternative for hosting sites, mail services, and database services.   It is a form of digital infrastructure to ensure that your data is more secure.  This allows you to host multiple websites with different platforms, all under a single user interface.

So how does Cloud web hosting aid in being green?  All of this results in a single account with multiple sites, effectively lowering your costs and utilizing better time management.  All of this results in reducing carbon emissions.


You can lower your carbon footprint by moving out of your in-house data center to a trusted cloud hosting provider.  Utilizing shared resources will reduce not only your expenses, it will also lower the amount of carbon emissions you expel into the environment on an annual basis.  Cloud hosting can allocate resources where needed without requiring additional machines.  If you have not already done so, you can do your duty to help save the environment by moving to the Cloud today!

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